Refund Policy

FeastCon ticket sales are final and non-refundable. In any case that the ticketholder is really unable to use their ticket, he/she instead may choose from the following options:

Option 1 Transfer your ticket to someone else

Tickets are transferrable. Simply send us a message on Facebook to inform us about the transfer of ticket.

Option 2 Use your ticket for next year

You may convert your ticket to next year’s conference instead. Additional amount may be requested from the buuyer in the case of price difference.

Option 3 Convert On-site Ticket to Online Access

If you have a Regular ticket, you may convert it to an online access instead for a longer online access duration. Excess amount will not be refunded.
For Youth tickets, you may convert it to an online access instead by paying the remaining ticket price difference.


Should you really wish to avail any of these options, you may reach out to us through our Facebook page ( All conversions should be done until October 31 only.